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Will Rates Hold?

January 26, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley

Choppy conditions prevail.

Sure, risk appetite is returning as long-duration assets catch a bid.

The ARK Innovation ETF $ARKK, Tesla $TSLA, and even the Emerging Markets Bond ETF $EMB show impressive near-term strength.

Nevertheless, the overall market is still a range-bound mess…

The S&P 500 churns below overhead supply. A decisive downside resolution in the US Dollar Index $DXY has yet to occur. And commodities – at least at the index level – refuse to violate key support levels.

I doubt the markets will clean themselves up in the coming weeks. But if you want insight into the near-term direction of the major asset classes, keep an eye on this one chart…

Here it is – a triple-pane look at the yields on the five-, 10-, and 30-year US Treasury bonds:

It’s all about the...

All Star Charts Premium

Bond Investors Embrace Risk

January 19, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley

It’s impossible to ignore – investors are reaching for risk.

Biotech stocks are catching higher. Copper futures are working on their tenth up-day in a row. Even the Emerging Market HY Bond ETF $EMHY is breaking to 7-month highs as it completes a multi-month base. 

And don’t forget about Silver! Gold’s crazy cousin has proven by far the best-performing asset since the US dollar peaked last fall. Strength among these market areas indicates a healthy risk appetite.

I can’t overlook these signs of a constructive bottoming process, especially considering the next chart…

Check out the Emerging Market Bond ETF $EMB relative to the US Treasuries ETF $IEF:

There’s plenty to unpack here…

First, the EMB/IEF ratio is challenging fresh 7-month highs after posting a higher high and a higher low last fall. A bearish to bullish trend reversal is underway for this important risk-on ratio.

You can add this to the growing list of...

All Star Charts Premium

Credit Spreads Contract

January 12, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley

If bond markets aren’t stressing, why should we be?

They’re the largest markets in the world. That’s why we constantly monitor credit spreads for signs of structural weakness and elevated risk.

But, as of now, we’re not seeing the slightest hint of impending catastrophe.

Despite the doom-and-gloom headlines popping up in your inbox and financial media talking heads spinning an imminent recession…

Credit spreads around the world are sending a clear message: "Relax."

Check out the overlay chart of option-adjusted high-yield credit spreads:

They’re all contracting to levels from last summer. Even the riskiest CCC-rated spread is reverting lower.

This is the exact opposite of what we would expect if the world was coming to an end and investors were running for the exits.

Instead, market participants are reaching...

All Star Charts Premium

Do US Rates Have it Right?

January 5, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @Ianculley

Whether you’re looking across the curve or around the world, interest rates continue to rise.

Benchmark rates in Germany, France, Spain, and Portugal hit fresh multi-year highs last week. Interestingly, the US 10-year yield did not. And neither did the two-, 5-, or 30-year yields.

I’m not claiming US yields have put in a lower high. It’s far too early to assume that. A downside resolution below last month’s pivot lows needs to materialize before making that claim.

Nevertheless, the lack of confirmation from US interest rates is intriguing, especially as European yields turn lower this week.

Check out the triple-pane chart of Developed European 10-year yields (Germany, France, and Spain):

All three broke above their respective Oct. highs, finishing 2022 on a high note. But those breakouts were short-lived as yields are sliding lower this week. 

The lackluster moves from European yields suggest...

All Star Charts Premium

When Bonds Speak, Listen

December 30, 2022

From the Desk of Ian Culley @Ianculley

Bonds have endured quite the year.

Perhaps 2022 marks the worst on record, or at least the past 100 years. Nevertheless, we’ve all witnessed extraordinary selling pressure in what has historically acted as a safe-haven asset. 

Despite the dismal returns and destruction of the traditional 60/40 portfolio, the bond market continues to instill valuable lessons in those willing to listen and learn.

Check out these three poignant reminders courtesy of the bond market…

Trends Persist

It’s an oldie but a goodie. And interest rates have refused to let us forget that trends persist.

The chart below highlights the five-, 10-, and 30-year US Treasury yields finding support at their respective year-to-date trendlines and pivot highs from the spring.

I thought rates might follow the...

All Star Charts Premium

Are You Buying the Breakout in Bonds?

December 15, 2022

From the Desk of Ian Culley @Ianculley  

"Trade what’s in front of you."

We say it all the time.  And it sounds simple enough.

But, with an immense amount of information circulating, it can be difficult to distinguish what’s important. 

That’s why we focus on price. Price filters the noise and useless data.

At the end of the day, it's price that pays

So, if bonds are breaking out to fresh multi-month highs, we should buy bonds, right?

Here’s a quick look at the bond market buy signals triggered earlier in the month: 

All three are still in play.

The five, 10-, and 30-year Treasury futures continue to churn above our risk levels. As long as that’s the case, we want to remain long toward our upside objectives...

All Star Charts Premium

Two Reasons We Like Bonds

December 8, 2022

From the Desk of Ian Culley @Ianculley

Bonds are flying under the radar.

While everyone focuses on the S&P 500 finding resistance at its 200-day moving average, bonds are posting their most substantial rally since the early 2020 peak.

Treasuries have represented downside risk for almost two years. We get it. Nobody's wanted bonds!

Neither have weuntil now.

Here’s why…


The long-term Treasury bond ETF $TLT has gained almost 20% since late October. In the process, it registered its largest four-week rate of change in a decade (aside from the covid related volatility).

This is what a momentum thrust looks like:

Notice the previous rallies in mid-2021 and earlier this summer (highlighted in yellow).

Both advances failed to produce sustained strength. It not only shows in price but also in the lackluster momentum readings that followed (highlighted yellow in the lower pane).
